WordPress Post #2


Another blog post that helped me a lot was the blog post I completed in class. For this blog post, I had to react to a reading about hashtag activism. Completing this blog post helped me understand what I can include in my conclusion paragraph, and it also made it very easy for me to complete my conclusion paragraph for my chapter 2 Spatial Justice paper. If I had not completed this blog post, I would have spent a large amount of time trying to compile my thoughts together in order to write the conclusion paragraph. This blog post acted as a ‘rough draft’ for my conclusion paragraph as it helped me structure the paragraph and fill it with content. Without completing  this blog post, I am very certain that my conclusion paragraph for my spatial justice paper would not be as good as it is right now.

WordPress Post #1


One blog post that helped me a lot was the blog post I did as homework. The objective of the blog post was to react to 18A from The SMH. The reading explained how to use artifacts, what kind of objects and things are considered artifacts, and what kind of objects and things are not considered artifacts. Having to do a blog post reacting to the reading caused for me to go back to the reading and understand kind of artifacts I can use. After looking at the reading for a second time, I was able to figure out which artifacts I would like to use for my chapter 2 Spatial Justice paper. If I did not do a blog post that reacted to the reading, I would have a harder time picking out which artifacts I would have liked to use. In conclusion, this blog post played a big role in how easy it was for me to pick the artifacts for my chapter 2 spatial justice paper.

How Blurb Changed my Perspective on Writing

If I had not known that I will be creating a book that contains all of my pieces of writings throughout the quarter at the beginning of the quarter, I would have done all of my essays ‘just to complete them for a grade’. However, since I knew that I will be creating a book on Blurb at the end of the quarter, I was more motivated to tailor my writings towards what I am passionate about. This motivation that was caused because of Blurb taught me that it is possible to write, in great detail, about anything that a person wants. I was able to write over three pages about something as simple as a place, a piece of art in a place, and a community. Blurb also allowed me to understand that it is much easier to write about a certain topic if the topic is something you are passionate about. Overall, Blurb changed my perspective on my writing as it allowed me to understand how much I can write about a simple topic if I am passionate towards that topic.

In Class writing 2/27/18


If I was to raise awareness for the problem which is that there are too many high school students who are abusing drugs/alcohol, I would do the things that the article stated to do if a person wanted to raise awareness for poverty. For example, a blog post would be extremely helpful and would tackle the issue in a way that would appeal to the target audience, which in this case, are parents and high school students. Another way that the issue can gain awareness is if there is a walk or run that is aimed towards decreasing and eliminating the number of students who abuse alcohol/drugs in high school. A run or walk will get individuals involved, and depending on how many individuals participate, it will bring attention towards the issue.

Reacting to SMH

Reading this part of SMH was very helpful because it helped me understand the project a little bit more. Before, I was a little bit confused about how I could make use of artifacts in my writing. After reading SMH 18A, I understood that I am supposed to connect the artifacts to individuals’ emotions and the community as a whole.

Reacting to Hashtag Activism

This article was very helpful because it made me realize how big the impacts of social media hashtags are. The problem I am advocating for in my spatial justice paper is to stop/reduce the number of students who abuse drugs/alcohol. Since high school students are very familiar with social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, it is easier to appeal to them and create hashtags that are aimed to get their attention. I would advocate for this change using my clothing brand. The name of the brand is Eximious Apparel. Eximious means ‘excellence and distinguished’ in Latin. I would use the Instagram page to interact with students from the high school, so they can see the message that the clothing brand is giving off and so that they can join the movement of becoming the best version of themselves in a healthy way.  The hashtag I would use is #BeEximious


Privileges such as extra assistance for students who are feeling down can help reduce the number of students who abuse drugs/alcohol. There are a few individuals who abuse drugs/alcohol in order to ‘have a good time’. However, most individuals abuse drugs because they are going through something dark in their life and they turn to drugs/alcohol to temporarily escape their reality. Giving students the privilege of extra assistance can be a therapy for students. They can turn to it when they are feeling down, instead of turning to drugs or alcohol. Overall, this will decrease the number of students who abuse drugs because less students abusing drugs/alcohol means that less students are pressuring others to follow their footsteps.

Which Writing Skill I am Strengthening

This course is helping to enhance my writing skills a lot. One of the writing skills that this course is improving is the clarity of my writing. A couple of months ago, I would often have a hard time trying to figure out how to structure sentences in a way so that they are easily understood and interpreted by my audience. The prologue, the constant blog posts, the precis, and the rhetorical analysis played a major role in enhancing the clarity in my writing.

In class writing 2/13/18

In “Social Justice: Food Servings” , the author states that it is very hard for certain individuals with a specific ethnic background to run a restaurant because of society’s views on the food they will be serving. For example, the article states that many individuals said they would not pay a lot of money for Middle Eastern food because ‘it is to be eaten in a sloppy way’. This violates the Middle Eastern restaurant owner’s right to thrive and express as society has put a label on the restaurant owner’s food. This will result in the restaurant losing business and not being able to thrive and express itself as a restaurant, all because the individuals in a community have a certain view towards Middle Eastern food. Another right that is being violated is the restaurant owner’s right to be. The criticism of other people restricts the restaurant owner from being who he is in terms of culturally and as a person.